The Pedestrian Crossing- Part 3

Part 3

“We did create a monster out of an innocent child.”

I say this to one of my friends who has an amazing story line. She used to cry and crib on the minutest things. People used to come and slam her down on her face. She did not utter a word. She did not say anything even if they did the most wrong things in the world. One day, she cried miserably. We had a conversation and I calmed her down. A lot of conversations brought her to a realization that she had been doing it all wrong. She had been afraid of the circumstances that were already under her control. She self-realized and started loving herself. I am sometimes shocked today the way she deals with ruthlessness. She has already become a pro at it. What did it lead her to? It led her to something which is very important for every pedestrian to cross the Street.

Self- Discovery.

She discovered a whole new self. She discovered that she had potential like no one. She realized that her abilities could do wonders. But, why is self- realization important for you and me?

It may happen that you are a 30+ adult who sits on his desk every day at the job and is not contended. Situations and people forced you to do the job you never wanted to. You always cribbed and complained about the circumstances at your job. It did not give you happiness. It didn’t give you satisfaction. It just gave you the income to run your family. That’s your opinion. My opinion says that there is no one as strong as you. If you are 30 something, and you have been doing this job you might have just discovered so much about yourself! And you have been oblivious of it till now. You have developed resilience. You have worked against the circumstances. You have lived through all of it. You have dealt with BMW’s aka circumstances (Part 1 reference) just like Hulk fights in the Marvel movies. Didn’t you?

But there is more to it. You need to love yourself, to discover yourself. You might be an 18 something human being figuring out their career. You are not happy with what you are doing. You are confused of everything that’s going on in your life. Aren’t you? But don’t you think it’s important to wander to find ourselves? The true selves, our true potentials are hidden. We have to be the true wanderers to figure it out. This phase of life teaches you almost every day. And by every day I mean, BMW’s crushing you every day. EVERY DAY. You have always lived on your own terms. And trust me, if you are lost now, you’ll find the right direction really soon! After all, not all those you wander are lost.

Self discovery makes you believe in the fact that you can achieve anything in this world. It brings home the fact that we are beyond our own capabilities. It ushers a new ray of hope. Remember your childhood days. Your dad used to hold your cycle from the back so that you did not fall. He used to leave it and then it was YOU who used to ride the cycle. You knew your dad was having your back. But who did the wonders actually? It was you. You believed. You discovered. You won.

The same goes with your life. It’s not always important that things go your way. Life does not give you, what you want. It gives you what is the best for you. You can’t cross the pedestrian crossing without realizing that those BMW’s aka circumstances exist to make your journey a beautiful one.

Till then, relish in what you have. Let go what pulls you back.


To be continued.

Image source- Google Images

5 thoughts on “The Pedestrian Crossing- Part 3

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  1. Self discovery is most important which normally in present days scenario is not possible and every one is forced to choose its profession which is not its passion. So everyone should at least try to self discover oneself. Great going Gehna.

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